Look Better. Feel Better. Perform Better.

Busy professionals outsource their health and fitness to us so they can focus on the things that matter to them most.

What Can You Expect?

We focus on three pillars, nutrition, recovery and exercise. Your experienced coach will personalize your journey using our proven system for fast, sustainable results.

Trusted By Professionals From

Our clients are busy professionals from the best performing companies in Finland.




Our clients are some of the busiest in Finland. Here's what they have achieved with our help.

With our method, your starting level doesn't matter. We ensure that you make small changes to your daily life that help you efficiently reach your goals.


Coaching sessions per month


Customers helped


Customer satisfaction


Educational seminars for coaches

The Team

Our coaches work with the busiest professionals in Finland. Only the best of the best earn their spot as a Performance Unit coach.

As Seen In

We are the only Finnish company that offers coaching that covers all aspects of health and fitness.

Our story has been featured widely.

Try The Service For Free

We assess your starting point and determine who would be the best coach for you. You can evaluate the service for free and without commitments.

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“If you don’t make time for exercise, you’ll probably have to make time for illness.”

- Robin Sharma -

@ Performance Unit 2024 All rights reserved.